
Front end development: How to choose between Visual Studio Code and Visual studio?

Front end development: How to choose between Visual Studio Code and Visual studio?

1、 Introduction and characteristics of Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code for short) is a free and open-source source editor developed by Microsoft. It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, and provides a rich ecosystem of features and plugins, making it the preferred editor for many developers.

Here are some key features of VS Code:

Lightweight: VS Code takes up less memory and has a faster startup speed, allowing developers to quickly start writing code.

Rich language support: VS Code supports many programming languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C #, etc., and provides functions such as intelligent code completion, syntax highlighting, and code snippets, improving coding efficiency.

Built in Debugger: VS Code integrates a debugger that can be used to debug code in multiple programming languages, helping developers quickly locate and solve problems.

Version control integration: VS Code supports Git and other version control systems, allowing developers to perform version control operations directly in the editor for collaborative development and code management.

Rich plugin ecosystem: VS Code has a huge plugin market, and developers can choose and install plugins according to their own needs, extending editor functions such as code formatting, code snippets, themes, etc.

Strong Customizability: VS Code provides rich customization options, including themes, keyboard shortcuts, layouts, etc., allowing developers to customize according to personal preferences.

Cross platform: VS Code can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing developers to maintain a consistent development experience across different operating systems.

Visual Studio Code is a powerful, user-friendly, and highly customizable source code editor suitable for various programming languages and development scenarios. Its lightweight and rich plugin ecosystem allows developers to improve development efficiency and enjoy a comfortable coding experience.

2、 Introduction and Features of Visual Studio

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft for developing various applications, websites, and services. It provides rich tools and features, supports multiple programming languages, including C #, C++, Python, JavaScript, etc., and is widely used in the development of the Windows platform.

Here are some of the main features of Visual Studio:

Multi language support: Visual Studio supports multiple programming languages, including C #, C++, Python, JavaScript, etc., allowing developers to choose the appropriate language for development based on project requirements.

Powerful debugging features: Visual Studio provides powerful debugging tools, including breakpoint debugging, variable monitoring, and stack tracing

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